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by Thomas Kurz
Apr 09, 2022 10:01
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Adductor flies
Replies: 1
Views: 2127

Re: Adductor flies

1) The goal resistance and reps depend on your purpose, i.e., how much strength do you need in what exercise. If you do 30 reps easily with a given weight, then you likely can do 150% or more of that weight at a lower number of reps. If you watched Secrets of Stretching , you should understand what ...
by Thomas Kurz
Apr 03, 2022 16:11
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Front and side splits hip flexor and glute pain
Replies: 1
Views: 2079

Re: Front and side splits hip flexor and glute pain

To get “fully down on front splits” you need to relax more, or elongate further, your hamstrings, plus increase your ability to bend back your trunk, i.e., relax or elongate your hip flexors. To understand what I mean, read The Method of Testing Your Potential to Do a Front Split To solve your side-...
by Thomas Kurz
Jun 14, 2020 11:02
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Struggling with side splits
Replies: 1
Views: 2081

Re: Struggling with side splits

Recovered post of Sep 30, 2019 12:10 by Thomas Kurz You [ REG ] wrote: I've even tried doing the isometrics horse stance splits, but I get too sore the following days after doing them on my leg day That may be caused by either doing your isometrics too hard for your muscle's endurance or doing the i...
by Thomas Kurz
Sep 07, 2017 17:10
Forum: Exercise Routines
Topic: How is this exercise routine?
Replies: 1
Views: 3282

Re: How is this exercise routine?

If this routine works for you, then it is Ok. If it has lost its effectiveness, then increase resistance in squats--but only as much as you can while keeping good form without difficulty. The right amount of resistance helps to increase your ROM, i.e., makes your squats deeper SAFELY. An excessive a...
by Thomas Kurz
Aug 01, 2017 18:44
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Replies: 1
Views: 2643


Follow the sequence show on Flexibility Express: first side splits, because they are easier, then front splits.
by Thomas Kurz
Dec 19, 2016 10:47
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Knee pain during side split stretch.
Replies: 3
Views: 4737

Re: Knee pain during side split stretch.

For best results follow the sequence of exercises shown and explained on Flexibility Express.

For additional info on Flexibility Express, check these threads: ... 1&start=10
by Thomas Kurz
Dec 12, 2016 21:20
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Knee pain during side split stretch.
Replies: 3
Views: 4737

Re: Knee pain during side split stretch.

I get knee pain when I stretching for the side split. I'm not even close to the floor yet and am already experiencing knee pain and it's not just during isometric stetching I get it with relaxed stretching too, as soon as my legs reach a certain angle. Don't do isometric side splits but instead do ...
by Thomas Kurz
Dec 03, 2016 20:44
Forum: Exercise Routines
Topic: Gymnastic based strength training
Replies: 1
Views: 2730

Re: Gymnastic based strength training

View YouTube video 7 Signs Of Overtraining by Alan Thrall and compare what you do and how you feel with what he says. For in-depth info on overtraining and ways of treating it read Science of Sports Training.
by Thomas Kurz
Oct 30, 2016 12:36
Forum: Planning and Control of Training
Topic: Planning Training Week
Replies: 5
Views: 5302

Re: Planning Training Week

You are welcome. Now, do you have an answer for SDGWarr10r? I am sure he'd appreciate your opinion on his assumptions regarding learning techniques and getting better at a sport, as well as answering his question on realism in sparring.
by Thomas Kurz
Oct 30, 2016 12:25
Forum: Flexibility and Other Athletic Abilities
Topic: Eliminate Lordosis - Opinion on this plan?
Replies: 1
Views: 3214

Re: Eliminate Lordosis - Opinion on this plan?

You are where you are because you didn't lay foundation for practicing kicks (and for weightlifting either). To lay that foundation, first follow advice at and then, when ready, directions at
by Thomas Kurz
Oct 15, 2016 15:46
Forum: Planning and Control of Training
Topic: Planning Training Week
Replies: 5
Views: 5302

Re: Planning Training Week

The schedule you quote is for people who train mostly once per day and applies to their main workout of a day (in addition to the main workouts, each day or on some days of a week, athletes may do auxiliary workouts as explained on page 59 of Science of Sports Training ). Each of these main workouts...
by Thomas Kurz
Aug 24, 2016 20:06
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Stretching Scientifically Book_Page 4_Static Active Flexibil
Replies: 1
Views: 2825

Re: Stretching Scientifically Book_Page 4_Static Active Flex

Hi; In the Stretching Scientifically Book_Page 4, it says: "An athlete's static active flexibility depends on the athlete's static passive flexibility and on the static strength of the muscles that stabilize the position." . Question : What do you mean when you say "the muscles that stabilize the p...
by Thomas Kurz
Aug 23, 2016 21:25
Forum: Exercise Routines
Topic: Basic Question no.1 in sequence of Long-Term training
Replies: 1
Views: 2751

Re: Basic Question no.1 in sequence of Long-Term training

First Question: At this phase of training which we use lying leg raise for strengthening the hip flexors, do we need yet to do sit-up with weights ? ( I asked because of of saving time and energy and " get more with doing less" and because you said that the lying leg raise is more powerful than sit...
by Thomas Kurz
Jan 28, 2016 11:52
Forum: How to Stretch for Full Flexibility with No Warm-Up
Topic: Questiona about choosing isometric exercises
Replies: 2
Views: 4860

Re: Questiona about choosing isometric exercises

I know the book says to choose 1 exercise, but i must admit i have had even better results supplementing this horse stance exercise with weighted adductor flies using heavy ankle weights (increasing the weight i can handle over time). And now i even do my sets of adductor flies before i do the hors...

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