I've searched the forums for a bit, but can't find any mention of how one should add weight to the back extensions described in Mr Kurz's columns and in the stretching DVD.
So how should the weight be held? Where is it held in relation to the body?
Weighted back extension - holding the weight
Re: Weighted back extension - holding the weight
Read Article #20 (from home page click on "Columns"). The information you seek is in the section entitled "Back extension on the bench," in the last sentence of the first paragraph.
Re: Weighted back extension - holding the weight
Great, thanks for pointing that out for me.
Re: Weighted back extension - holding the weight
I think it's easier to hold it directly below you, like with your arms pointing down, though it might touch the ground at the bottom that way so maybe hugged to the chest works better? Putting it above/forward of head is interesting and can be varied through the movement. Especially interesting with clubbells for huge leveredge.