can you get aerobic with weights?

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can you get aerobic with weights?

Post by johndela1 »

Can I get aerobic benefits with a cirucuit program where the heart is always going hard, but is composed of differnt free weight lifts?

I've read articles that say this isn't the same as saying running and I've read other articles that say it is the same that the heart doesn't know the difference so the benefits are equal.

I'm a bit confused and don't know what to believe.

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Post by elskbrev »

You asked:
Can I get aerobic benefits with a cirucuit program where the heart is always going hard, but is composed of differnt free weight lifts?
The short answer is 'no.'

The heart works hard in both running and intense free weight training so you do get strong cardio (heart) benefit from both, but strength-endurance training by itself does not develop the lungs like sustained aerobic activity will.

Kurz talks a little about this in Article #17 where he refers to workouts that stress vegetative (think lungs, breathing, anaerobic, aerobic) or neuromuscular (speed or strength training) systems:


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Re: can you get aerobic with weights?

Post by tyciol »

One thing we need to keep in mind is the post-exercise oxygen consumption effect though. I have noticed this myself, if I do a set of pullups and pushups before I go for a run, my lungs get far more taxed at a given speed than if I am running at that speed fresh.

I think it makes sense because our body is working harder to help recover those muscles. So even though we don't use huge amounts of arm muscle in running, if they are already fatigued then it will count so much more the way they go through the motions.

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Re: can you get aerobic with weights?

Post by REG »

Would strength-endurance training actually be considered an anaerobic-aerobic type of training, or just an anaerobic type of training? Also, during strength-endurance exercises are you supposed to work right at about the anaerobic threshold level?

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