I have my Black belt test in 2 and a bit months.
I need to get my fitness to a peak that I have never seen before.
Skipping rope on a 3 minutes on 30sec recovery for 10 sets, Doing this everyday for 2 months would you fell that i would get my
Anaerobic Endurance high. (I do weights and bag training everyday as well)
I cant run due to impac on my knees.
Skipping Rope good for Anaerobic Endurance
Skipping Rope good for Anaerobic Endurance
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It seems to me that u might be doing too much. If u have "Science of Sports Training", it has some studies that a person he works twice a day at some intensity makes the same result as probably half the load with the same intensity. I don't know how u train, but it seems that u probably workout really hard everyday. If this is the case, then u might end up overtraining by the end of the test. I think jumping rope a few days after your last workout of jump roping will bring about better results. I think doing it everyday and your ana. endurance will end up in plateau of your ability. I think u know this, but i will say it anyways, u should organize your workouts into different days. Technical, SPeed, Strength, Endurance, rest. This is the general order that follows and shouldn't be reverse. Doing in this order will improve recovery time towards each workout. For example, Doing endurance as a single workout like a day after your strength workout improves recovery of strength. About your knees try to do high reps of squats and leg curls with low intensity to stabilize your knee joints. U also need some aerobic endurance. I don't remember the exact reason, but there's a corelation between the two endurance. If anyones knows please explain it in a post. If u knew all this sorrry to waste your time. Get a couple days rest and best of luck on your test!