Homolateral movement - Effects on performance

Post questions and tips on the ability to perform unrelated movements simultaneously, for example, punch with one arm while making large circles with the other while jogging.
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Joined: Jan 24, 2007 10:52

Homolateral movement - Effects on performance

Post by Tmess »

I've purchased a few of Thomas Kurz's videos, and on his stretching video, he performs a warm-up using what appears to be some odd movements (e.g. punch with one arm while making large circles with the other while jogging in place). Why perform this and what is the benefit to the Martial Artist?

Also, I understand that jumping jacks and other homolateral movements can cause a reduction in coordination. Has this been measured against an athlete’s performance? My MA instructor has us do jumping jacks as a warm-up exercise. Any alternative cross-pattern movement exercises that someone could recommend in place of jumping jacks?



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