Boxing Drills- fixed patterns

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Boxing Drills- fixed patterns

Post by new2bjj »

Mr. Kurz,

I am working on my boxing. One thing I see from the old time trainers is that they believe one should not do fixed patterns over and over when shadow boxing. In other words, don't do, say 100 sets of the left-right combo, 100 sets of the straight right left hook, etc, but try to "mix them up"-i.e. left-right, double jab, etc.

I am wondering, however, if it were not better for someone such as myself, who has poor to average coordination, to first perfect these combinations, through long sets of 100 or 50, at least, doing say, 1000 punches per workout. After a few months, when everything looks clean and relaxed, then I would move on to much more random practice. I know you prefer to deal with high end athletes, but at least I am trying.


Thomas Kurz
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Re: Boxing Drills- fixed patterns

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Block practice = quicker learning
Random practice = better retention
See article in Spring 2002 issue of Stadion News. Also read on technical training in Science of Sports.
When deciding how many reps keep this rule in mind: Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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