Lay off training and start conditioning?

Post questions and tips on combining skill training with developing physical abilities (strength, endurance, speed, flexibility, etc.) and mental toughness.
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Lay off training and start conditioning?

Post by CrazyBoy »

Hi guys! For start, happy new 2006! I want to ask: is it a good idea to reduce the number of karate trainings and start conditioning? Cause checking out myself and after reading all of Mr Kurz material I've started to reanalize my trainings and my body. So, it's a good idea or what?

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Post by dragon »

I guess that depends on:-
1)How conditioned you already are.
2)What you define as "conditioning".


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Location: Romania, Oltenita

Post by CrazyBoy »

Dragon, I want to do this because reading mr Kurz's articles I've come to realize that I have to fix many things and to strentghen many parts of my body, "thanks" to rational training I was taught in the past.
For example, I've noticed that my lower back tenses more when I kick with my right leg than with my left one. And most of all, I need to develop my dynamic flexibility, which, until joining this forum and finding out Mr Kurz's stretching columns, I never gave a damn about. I was taught the wrong way of warming-up and of stretching.

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Post by dragon »

You're not alone.I think most of us did "traditional" training first.
The way i got in shape was to do more strength workouts than martial arts workouts until i was more conditioned to resume intense(full contact kick boxing/grappling) martial martial arts practice.


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Post by CrazyBoy »

So, it wouldn't be a problem to reduce the number of my MA training in order to proper condition myself. This was all that I wanted to know. I've started to condition myself this way:
I know that bodyweight exercises can be made daily, so I do these exercises everyday:
dynamic stretches;
Horse stance

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Post by DanBor »

I completely stopped my MA training (kickboxing) 3 month ago and and now I am just training for strenght: push-ups, lunges, isometrics, horse stances.
I still practise only high and middle roundhouse kicks (I don't want to lose that cause those kicks are my favorite and "most deadly" strikes). But I won't be back in the gym for at least 6 month, and my goal is to reach splits and max. strenght-endurance 'till that time.

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Location: Romania, Oltenita

Post by CrazyBoy »

That's what I have in mind. Because I am not satisfied by my current condition and I wish to fix all my problems before I attempt new powerfull trainings. Also, because I want to condition myself so that i shall know how to deal with phisical issues and to proper train my students.
I know I am asking alot of myself, but this is me.
Also, could anyone give a few pointers for the sequence of exercises I put in my previous post? Is it correct or what must I change?

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