- How to plan my situps??

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- How to plan my situps??

Post by Iceman »

I have a few questions regarding my situps...

At this moment I'm doing 2 series of 100 situps every day (both in the evening, at 7:30 & 11:30)

- I've read about Training Cycles & Periodization a few times... but I don't know how to maximize my exercises.


Can some1 here try to tell me how I should plan a weekly cycle, to maximize my muscle-grow??
(my biggest issue is that I don't know how to plan the resting moments)

Thanks in advance...
"The Mind is like a Parachute, it works best when it is open" - Rickson Gracie

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Post by dragon »

What are your goals?For martial arts or bodybuilding?
I don't see much point in doing the 2 sets so far apart as you will be fully rested from the first one(at 7:30) when you come to do your second set(at 11:30).

You can do the two sets together.On the second set you may not reach your rep target-just keep adding reps each workout/week/2 weeks,whichever you can manage.
Alternatively,you can perform weighted crunches,using lower reps but higher resistance.

I've never training abs daily,3 times per week is max for me.


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