Help to involve stretches?

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Joined: Jan 30, 2009 18:23

Help to involve stretches?

Post by krem »


I am a dancer and I have my trainings every day for 3-4 hours. Now I want to increase my flexibility and range of motion.
How and when can I involve your stretches, so that my trainings don't crash? And the leg-strength exercises? After my trainings I usually pretty
tired, and mostly the legs work there.

P.s. I am already started doing dinamyc stretches in the morning and before training.

Posts: 68
Joined: Apr 07, 2006 12:27
Location: Ontario, Canada

Re: Help to involve stretches?

Post by tyciol »

This is understandable concern, like clearly training your legs to failure after your lesson wouldn't be an option as it would compromise your next day's training. You want to supplement to increase your strength and flexibility yet with a minor stimulus so that you are still fresh for your technique drills.

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