How to reach 100 push-ups?

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How to reach 100 push-ups?

Post by johnbench110 »

Dear Mr. Kurz,
my goal is to get in shape for M A so I follow Dr. Kwasniewskis' diet (thanks to you) and do push-ups and pull-ups in my workout. I try to work my way up to 100 push-ups but for a few weeks I am stuck at 82 reps and today I only managed to do 68 in a row. In all other exercises like squats w./ weight and good mornings I am making constant progress. Reaching 500 sit-ups took only 6 weeks 200 hindu squats took not even 2 weeks only my upper body is weak. What should I do to improve?

Thank you for your reply and for providing all this great information.

Thomas Kurz
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Re: How to reach 100 push-ups?

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Prior to a workout poke a finger in the muscles you expect to be the most stressed in that workout. If you feel tenderness, then those muscles are not recovered sufficiently from the previous work. Change subject of the workout.

Also, have your posture checked, as well as your form of pushups--not by a budy but by a good physical therapist.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

Thomas Kurz
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Joined: Dec 03, 2003 08:04

Re: How to reach 100 push-ups?

Post by Thomas Kurz »

Prior to a workout poke a finger in the muscles you expect to be the most stressed in that workout. If you feel tenderness, then those muscles are not recovered sufficiently from the previous work. Change subject of the workout.

Also, have your posture checked, as well as your form of pushups--not by a budy but by a good physical therapist.
Thomas Kurz
Madrej glowie dosc dwie slowie

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