Excuse me, I know that it is a silly question, But I am confused about your article. In the article " Sequence of Conditioning Exercises for Fighters and Martial Artists in Long-Term Training and in a Single Workout" you said :
you mean :The best time for aerobic fitness exercises is at the end of a typical martial arts workout in which technique or speed are developed. It is also good to do these exercises in a separate aerobic workout. Doing aerobic exercises soon after intensive strength or muscular endurance training reduces the pace and duration of aerobic efforts.For example, after heavy squats or deadlifts, it is hard to run lightly for even a couple of miles. Instead of running you may end up jogging and damaging the knees more than increasing your aerobic fitness
1- We damage our knees because of this reduction of pace we have to doing jogging instead of running and jogging is harmful for our knees in general ?
2- We damage our knees because of doing aerobic exercises like running or jogging soon after intensive strength like heavy squats or deadlifts which in both tasks the same muscle groups are geared and caused over training ?
Again thank you for patience.