Muscle fatigue

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Muscle fatigue

Post by DanBor »

I have some questions about muscle fatigue.

1.What does it mean to have muscle fatigue like 4 days after very intensive workout?( I know it means that it was to much) but what exactly hapened in the muscles after that kind of workout-or to put it more clear: what kind of damage?

2. How much muscle fatigue is "normal" after intensive workout - for making progress? I know you don't suppose to feel fatigued after every workout.


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Re: Muscle fatigue

Post by dragon »

DanBor wrote: but what exactly hapened in the muscles after that kind of workout-or to put it more clear: what kind of damage?
The soreness is caused by microscopic tears or stress of the connective tissues.I have read that these tears can cause scarring(although on a microscopic level) which could affect flexibility.Other sources i've read says this is untrue.
The soreness after a strenuous workout is usually caused by the negative(lowering under control) part of weight training.THis is due to the muscle contracting as it's lengthening.
DanBor wrote: How much muscle fatigue is "normal" after intensive workout - for making progress? I know you don't suppose to feel fatigued after every workout.
I would say if you've changed your program,performing exercises you aren't familiar with,changingthe rep/weight(drastically) then that would cause DOMS.
If you haven't done anything out of the ordinary or feel the soreness for quite a while(4 days seems quite long for someone who is used to training) then you may be over training.


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Joined: Nov 24, 2005 02:27

Post by DanBor »

Thanks for reply.
I actually did something that I usually don't do. My strenght-endurance training (lately) is based on some plyometric exercises (jumping lunges,..) and stances (front, horse). On sunday I 've mixed it up a little wight weights, I did side lunges (20-25 kg), to see reaction from my body. I still feel it today, but nothing serious I think, its almost completely gone.

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Muscle fatigue

Post by Thomas Kurz »

For clarification of the mostly accurate info from dragon see articles on muscle fatigue and muscle soreness in Stadion News at .
Thomas Kurz
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Posts: 180
Joined: Nov 24, 2005 02:27

Post by DanBor »

Thank you very much.

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