Hip pain

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Joined: Sep 07, 2004 03:33
Location: Sweden

Hip pain

Post by Johan »


I wonder if someone can help me with a problem I have. When I perform a side kick stretch or back kick with my right leg I get a gradual pain in the hip in the leg I'm standing on (the left side of the hip). The pain increases the more times I do the move.
It doesn't hurt much when I am at the top of the kick but more on the way down.
The pain is located on the front of the hip joint, right beside the genitals. This pain begun a few weeks ago but it feels like it is getting worse.
I was thinking that I have become much more flexible in the hip the last months and I was wondering if that has anything to do with it...that the muscles haven't got enough strength to decelerate the leg on the way down...
Any thoughts or ideas?



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Post by mmeloon »

I would go see a doctor who is familiar with sports injuries. S/he will be able to do a much better job of diagnoising the problem than any of us could without seeing you.

No one likes to go to the doctor but I think the fact that you've had this for weeks and that it's getting worse is an indiciation that it's not going to go away on its own.


Posts: 8
Joined: Sep 07, 2004 03:33
Location: Sweden

Post by Johan »

Thanks for the reply,

I've rested for about a week and it has become better but it's still not gone so I'll go to a doctor.


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