Applied Kinesiology

Post questions and tips on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sudden injuries.
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Joined: Dec 15, 2003 07:51

Applied Kinesiology

Post by xander »

There are 2 AK practitioners in my area that I can get to to treat my lower back injury.

One has the letters "D.O." after his name, and the other has "D.C."

Can someone tell me what these mean, and which would be best to go to?



kenesiology - don't get ripped off!

Post by Kit »

Yeah, I am not sure what the D.C. stands for either. Perhaps someone else out there can help. I know that DIBAK means that the doctor has studied applied kinesiology to the highest level possible.

One word of advice from me is, make sure that any 'kinesiologist' you visit is a qualified medical practitioner. I recently went to someone claiming to be a 'kinesiologist' for lower back pain and stiffness. They certainly were not what they claimed to be (as far as i can tell). It seemed to me what they did was a mixture of alchemy and some other stuff (she was literally chanting and dancing around me, ringing bells and talking about past lives etc...NOT what I expected!!). i went away from the session very dissappointed, feeling ripped off. After reading Mr Kurz advice more closely, and through the Applied Kinesiologist website link I have now found a qualifed practioner.

Anyway - the lesson is - check qualifications!! Don't settle for second best, or let yourself get ripped off!![/u]


Post by Guest »

i duplicated this thread under general discussions. I found out that DC is a chiropractor and DO is a medical doctor.

The guy I saw was listed with the ICAK so he was registered, and I found him to be very helpful.



Post by Kit_ »

Well, I have now managed to find an applied kinesiologist that knows his stuff. Living in australia, I have found that terms here are slightly different to those used in the US:

DC = Doctor of Chiropractic (in US)
In Australia there is no 'doctor' of chiropractic, rather it is a bachelor degree.

Anyway, a useful resource I have found is the following link:

Not only does it give information on what applied Kinesiology is and is not, it also has an international list of ICAK members. This list helped me to find my currecnt doctor.

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