Training with vertebral column problems

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Training with vertebral column problems

Post by hepcat »

Hello sportswomen and -men,

I bought Thomas Kurz' stretching-book and the videos about stretching and kicking to learn doing splits (for dancing and Martial Arts) and to improve my kicks (for Martial Arts).

After reading the topic " stretching and injuries" I decided that stretching is useless for me as long as I have permanent hypertonus in certain muscles because of muscular imbalance.
I will see an Applied Kinesiology doctor for that problem.

But about another problem I am not sure what to do:
My small scoliosis, damaged facet joint cartilage and my damaged knee cartilage were not a real obstacle for my body practice until now (Dancing, Mixed Martial Arts, Running, Pilates). But recently I got a new serious injury: vertebral disc prolapse (between lumbar vertebras 4 and 5) with relative spinal stenosis.

Now I am in despair and feel like a quite inferior copy of the human species because the spine and discs are essential for any kind of sport or dance. Does anybody know if it is possible to be succesful and competent in sports with such a damaged disc? Or should I quit MMA-Training, because hard kicking, wrestling etc are too dangerous for the disk ? And how about good mornings, deadlifts and squats?

Best regards

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