Hip Joint Jammed

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Joined: Jan 30, 2008 15:11

Hip Joint Jammed

Post by silenttiger »

I have been studying MA for almost 30 years and have always had trouble keeping my stretch from Work out to Work out.
A few years ago I had some more than usual hip pain and through x rays found my hips to be retroverted (up and in) in the joint itself.
I can do the splits, but high side kicks are an issue and all the hard work of conditioning and stretching never lasts and the outside of the hips are painful and feel jammed up.
I get regular Chiropractic and Massage treatment (this helps the most) and my strength is great in the hip itself.
Has anyone had this issue and found out how to effectively train around it or correct it?
I have posted on many fitness forums and no one seems to have any answers.
This is the most frustrating condition for me.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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