Hip Hike

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Joined: Jun 24, 2005 18:11

Hip Hike

Post by Amit12 »

Hey All
I`m currently suffering from a Hip Hike.
Its a long story-wrong and stupid training, a knee surgery and currently doing my rehab.
To cut that long story short here are some of my probs:
*R knee pain-I went an arthroscopic surgery and its much better than before.
Currently I`m still suffering from:
1.Upper-body: Right much stronger than Left.
2.Lower Body:
*L glute stronger than R.
*R hams stronger than L.
*R part of trunk much tighter than L.
In fact my R shoulder is lower than L.
My R leg often seems to be longer than L.
It kindda seems to have gone now-but sometimes it still bothers me...a dull pain in my R Glute.

I`ve been to 2 surgeons, 2 physios(1 of them a supposed sports specialist, 1 reg MBBS doc, 1 alt med doc.....)
None of them`ve helped...they have helped me a little here and a little there-but you can see outright their main focus is that I should be able to walk properly on my feet-anything more than that seems to be time pass-something I shouldnt be wastimg my time doing anyway. Except for the sports specilist they all told me outright that getting into Sqts, doing all those deads will hurt me.

So if any of you have suffered from a Hip Hike or know someone who has
I would really like to know what you guys did to fix it.
Any advice is welcome..

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