For Tom Kurz

Post questions and tips on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of chronic injuries.
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Joined: Jun 24, 2005 18:11

For Tom Kurz

Post by Amit12 »

Hello Dr.Kurtz
I`ve been posting some Q on the forum about the injuries I have at this point.
I`ve been involved on-and-off for the past 5 years in Powerlifting,Bodybuilding, Judo.
I was rereading all your artclies and this is what I`ve come across:
Article no.9:
"If muscles of one limb or side of the body are more tensed than muscles on the other side,
you may have a nerve problem or misaligned bones. For example, a twisted pelvis will cause
one hamstring to be more tensed than the other. Stretching overly tensed muscles cannot
fix the cause of their abnormal tension."

I`ve had a lot of problems. I`ll try and be as brief as possible:
For the past 1.5years+ I was suffering from
*Right Knee pain-medial side
*Right Glute pain.
Apart from these 2 problems ,during my training I noticed the following problems:
1.R hams much tighter and stronger than L.
2.L glute stronger than R.
3.R side trunk muscles very tight
4.R side stronger than L.
I just kept ignoring the pain until the pain became unbearable.
I went to an ortho who diagnosed the prob as:
*Torn Plica in knee.
*Sciatica-cause of a bulging disk.

Knee:I underwent an arthroscopic surgery for my knee.
Its been 3 months now. Although it still does bother me sometimes-I feel much better than before.
I`m not exercising as I want to at this point.
Sciatica:I went to a Physio and underwent lots of traction sessions, besides doing some
strenghtening exercises...

but even now..
*My R glute irritates me sometimes- not as heavy as before but only sometimes.
At this point I`m still suffering from all my prior problems:
1.R hams much tighter and stronger than L.
2.L glute stronger than R.
3.R side trunk muscles very tight
4.R side stronger than L.
So at this point should I just go ahead and bring up my st. on my lagging body-parts?
Another person I met on a fitness site who is a medico+Powerlifting enthusiast(dont remember his actual qualifications)
diagnosed my Sciatica prob as a Hip Hike prob. And the thing is everything he said about me-
my posture, lagging body-parts turned out to be true-and we`ve never met.

So what should I be doing at this point?
Just regular exercises? If so what exer. would you recommend?

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