Overdone horse riding stance

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Overdone horse riding stance

Post by pliskin »

I overdone it with weights. My knees hurts, mostly the left. It is not very painful but it is annoying for two weeks. I did not stop with my trainings. What is the damage report here? Did i damaged my knee for good or is it just temporary. Should i back up from my trainings/stretching sessions? Normally when i walk it does not hurt, only when i am performing my kicks in shadowboxing or on the heavybag.
Thank you!

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Post by DanBor »


I suffered the same thing myself once.

The only advice I can give you is back off from your strenght/stretching sessions until the pain is gone. If I were you I would also back off from the heavy bag for a week.

Then gradually incorporate horse stance again. I would also incorporate squats (bodyweight or light weights) - high reps. Those will strenghten connective tissues.

Good luck.

p.s. I see you are from Serbia. I'm from Slovenia, so we are "relatively close" I have family in Bosnia and distant relatives in Serbia

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Post by pliskin »

Hi DanBor!
You helped me much with your advice. The last thing i want is to visit a doctor because i would loose much time and nerves there(they are very unprofessional in my country).
I will incorporate squats (bodyweight+heavy) from tomorrow, than i will gradually return to my stretching as you suggested, because those stretching sessions, heavybag work and my advancement in splits is the most important things in my whole sportlife.
Yes i am from Serbia, from Zrenjanin. I am glad that i found someone who is that close to me. Maybe we meet someday because i travel 2 times yearly to Croatia/Pula. That is even closer :-)
Thank you!

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Post by DanBor »

Hey Pliskin I'm glad to hear that. I was in the Pula this year - Kamenjak actually. My friend has a property on Kamenjak so I visit him at least once a year in the summertime.

Good luck with the training.

Hej Pliskin, da te još pozdravim u našem jeziku.

Sretno sa treningom. Možda se sretnemo jednom u Puli.

Ako budeš imao još pitanja ,slobodno pitaj.

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Post by pliskin »

Pozdrav prijatelju!
Imam puno pitanja što se tiče split-ova. Ja inače treniram kickbox godinu dana samostalno. Na treninge sam išao veoma kratko (3meseca). Sa rastezanjem sam počeo dosta kasno, sa 24 godina (sad imam 26) i zato imam dosta problema često prenaglim, kao i u ovom slučaju i trebali bi mi saveti. Možda vaša pomoć, predpotstavljam da ste vi već postigli full split ili ste blizu istog. Ja bih i da razmenimo mail adrese ako nemate ništa protiv.
Puno pozdrava!

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Re: Overdone horse riding stance

Post by mmeloon »

pliskin wrote:I overdone it with weights. My knees hurts, mostly the left. It is not very painful but it is annoying for two weeks.
Do you know how you hurt your knee? Your post talks about weights but the subject refers to horse riding stance. Also, a joint injury isn't a sign of "overdoing" it with weights; it's a sign that your technique is bad. You need to figure out what you're doing wrong before returning to weights. Are you accidentally letting your knees drift in as you rise in the squat? Are your knees hurting on the sides, front, or back?

By the way, you did understand that DanBor was suggesting incorporating squats only after you no longer feel pain, right? Your response had me worried that you were going to try to do the squats the very next day. He's talking about preventing future injuries, not recovering from your current one.


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Post by pliskin »

Thanks for the advice mmeloon
I am doing the horse riding stance as i saw it on the picture with T. Kurz (something like a five-step horse stance).It is very possible that i am doing it wrong or my technique is bad(Does someone have a detailed explanation for the horse riding stance?). However i have used a 10kg barbell rod on my shoulder to make an advancement. So now i have a nice pain in my knees, mostly on the outer side of my left knee. When i walk or i am doing normal day activities i have no pain (stairs, standing up, cycling...). The pain manifests only when i am raising my left leg to the side (side kick or dynamic warm up) or when i am performing a highkick with my right leg and all my weight is supported on my left leg, that is the outer side of my left knee is killing me. Interesting when i am doing squats (regular or deep) with heavy weights my knees not hurt at all. So i suppose as DanBor suggested that i should do bodyweight squats with high reps (50-100). Or maybe it will be enough to ride everyday a bicycle to strenghten my knees?
For now i will rest for a week to see will the pain lessen.
Thank you

Posts: 180
Joined: Nov 24, 2005 02:27

Post by DanBor »

Mmeloon you are absolutely right, I think I should have been more specific with my suggestion about squats.

So Pliskin you must first fully recover, learn/check the proper technic for horse stance and then start with squats (only bodyweight at the beginning).

p.s. : Pliskin I'm gonna send you (pm) my email.

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pain outside of knee--overdone horseriding stance

Post by elskbrev »

I see this thread is from 2006, but I'm new and this interests me.

Using incorrect technique as a beginner, I messed up my Iliotibial Band (IT band) and a few other muscles surrounding the knees attempting Kurz' isometric exercises before I was ready.

Persons who have done this and injured the IT band may find the following link helpful for rehabilitation exercises: http://www.med.umich.edu/1libr/sma/sma_knee-ili_sma.htm .

In addition, Kurz has many suggestions for strengthening and stabilizing the knees in his books and articles. Note that the work accomplished by the supporting leg while doing Kurz style leg raises to front, sides and back serves to improve strength of the supporting knee, hip and ankle.

Best regards,

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