Equipment for Secrets of Stretching?

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Equipment for Secrets of Stretching?

Post by CDNhammer »


What is the bare minimum amount and types of equipment I would need to do the Secrets of Sretching video?

I don't have any equipment, and I'm not looking at spending too much money on things I don't have room for in my house.

I've never lifted weights, but I'm fairly strong. I've been taking MA since September, stand about 5 foot 9 or about 175cm, and weigh about 195 pounds. I've lost about 35 pounds since starting MA....

So, what is the bare minimum I need to do this video? I know the site lists dumbbells, barbells, pulleys, ankle weights or iron boots, but do I really need all this stuff?


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Post by CDNhammer »

Forgot to is tight. it's pretty much the video right now, but I'd like to get started and just need to know the bare minimums to buy in order to get started.

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Post by dragon »

If you want to follow the video to the letter then there is strong emphasis on strength training to prepare you for isometrics.This does require resistance equipment(barbells,etc).


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Post by CDNhammer »

Ok, thanks for the reply.

I've ordered the video, so I guess I need to buy some stuff.

I can get some dumbbells easy enough, so if I get...say..a pair of 25 lb dumbells or something, what else will I need? What is this "pulley" thing that's mentioned, and I've never heard of Iron boots. I'll go buy the following things:

a pair of 25lb dumbbells
the heaviest set of ankle weights i can find.

what else will I absolutely need to follow this video?


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Post by dragon »


I don't recall performing adductor pulldowns myself(the pulley),and the iron boots are for adductor flies.You may find it will be a while before you need any kind of added resistance at all with this exercise.

Both squats and stiff leg deadlifts can be performed with dumbbells.


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Joined: Feb 11, 2006 11:22
Location: Hamilton, Ontario

Post by CDNhammer »

OK, cool. Thanks very much!

Now I just can't wait to get the video and get started!


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