Several short sessions daily

Post your exercise routines or sequences of exercises that you do during a workout, as well as your questions and tips on such routines.
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Location: Wisconsin, USA

Several short sessions daily

Post by elskbrev »

In article 27: Questions and Answers: What Exercises to Do and When, Tom Kurz responded to a question on timing of isometric and strength exercises saying, in part,
You may want to try doing your strengthening and stretching exercises in several short sessions, each dedicated to one body part, during the day rather than in one long session late at night. For example, squats and isometric stretches in the first session, deadlifts and relaxed stretches in the second session, or deadlifts alone in the second session and relaxed stretches in the third, final session.
Supposing I lived at the gym, so this were possible, is it assumed each session is preceded by a 5-10 minute warm-up?

Thomas Kurz
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Re: Several short sessions daily

Post by Thomas Kurz »

More like 1 minute warm-up--one or two sets with light resistance.

Why go to a gym when you can have a barbell, or kettlebells, or a sandbag at home?
Thomas Kurz
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Re: Several short sessions daily

Post by elskbrev »

I do live at the gym--it's in my basement. :wink: Had to join a health club recently for access to the pool. Haven't had a need for it until now, or the time--all that dressing up and traveling to and from. Furthermore, participating in routines custom made for someone else was never my thing. At home, I do what I feel I need, when I need it. I plan to swim on my way home from taekwondo class--no way around traveling for that. I do take more notes now than I used to, since reading your comments on what a good coach "should" be doing. Your work comprises some of the best coaching I get.

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