coments on my routine

Post your exercise routines or sequences of exercises that you do during a workout, as well as your questions and tips on such routines.
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coments on my routine

Post by hb18 »

befor i go to bed each night i like to do a bit of exersise, the following is my routine that i have been doing for the past couple of mothes every night, could you please advise me on wehter it is sutible or if i am over doing it or anything?

the whole thing takes around 10 minutes, i initate with some stretching, then i lie on my back and swing my legs up then down (not sure what its called) i do 20 of these, the the same thing but go in a circular motion, another 20 of these, i then do 20 press ups, and 15 press ups with my hands togther, instead of apart, then 20 squats alternating the bending on each leg, and then 10 regular squates, i then finsish with a bit more stretching.

im sorry thats so poorly explaned but im not familiar with the correct names of the exercies, but wnay ways, what do you think?

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Post by dragon »

If you are not used to training,performing something like you describe will get you into a routine without you losing motivation by trying to rush in to fast.
Depending on what your goals are though,you will need to alter this dramatically as you become used to it.

A few points:-

1-Doing exercise before bed can cause insomnia in some people.

2-When you perform leg raises(theexercise where you're lying on your back),don't swing your legs up,this can cause injury.If you are unable to lift them under complete control choose a different ab exercise.


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Post by backinjured »

For Leg Raises, to prevent back injuries you could put your hands or fists under the buttocks, it helps the lowerback to stick to the floor.

Posts: 10
Joined: Feb 09, 2006 19:37

Post by hb18 »

ok thanks guys. no i do have controll of the leg raises, and sometimes put my hands under my lower back.
but anyways im a fit athletinc person and i dont find this a challence, i geuss my reson for doing it is to biud up strenth and stamina, and flexability, whilst maintaining fitness, im not looking to get a body builder stature, otherwise id join a gym, but yea, how do you think i could imporve on it, to maxamise the workout?

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