a problem i am running into

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a problem i am running into

Post by maxattack »

Just this past tue and wens, i did full splits, front with each leg, and the side split, but on fri my legs didnt want to strecth I wasnt sore. On saturday i strecthed but just relaxed, and no splits and on sun day i used iso and relaked and again no splits but i was about 2 inchs from all of them. This happens to me every week it seems 2 days with splits 2 with out. Any idea what i am doing wrong? Just background info my squats are at 350pnds 3 sets of 10 and no soreness the next day, deadlifts 190-225, goodmornings 180pnds. no soreness from any of these lifts

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Post by dragon »


You may need to strengthen your muscles in their extreme range of motion.
Front/side lunges,adductor pulldowns,and adductor flies.

The poundages you are lifting are very impressive but perhaps the adductors in particular aren't being targeted(this may be due to squatting preferences-Width of stance,depth,etc.).

Soreness does not have to accompany fatigue.It is possible your muscles are over worked.Try to experiment-You say every week you can perform splits 2 days in a row.Try missing a day between each attempt at the splits to see if your maximum reach is more regulated and frequent.


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Post by mmeloon »

Hi maxattack:

Dragon's got some good points and I agree with what he said. One thing that caught my eye in your post was the discrepency between your squatting and deadlifting poundages. I'm not sure whether you are doing stiff-legged or bent-leg (i.e., regular) deadlifts but it seems like they should be well in front of your squatting load. Perhaps it's unfair of me to assume but when I hear something like that I cannot help but wonder if you are squatting down far enough. If you are going to parallel or lower with 350 pounds I would think your deadlift poundages would be over 400. I've never seen you lift so please don't take this as any kind of personal criticism. I'm just suggesting that you have someone check your form while you lift or consider the possibility that you have a large muscle imbalance. The former is not a serious problem but the latter is something to pay more attention to.


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Joined: Jun 02, 2005 14:47

Post by maxattack »

sorry guys my bad, my sqaut work out weight is 255 and there full sqauts to parallel not half,( typo ) my max is 300lb. I do staight leg deadlifts, but I have a lower back prob (My left SI joint). I have had all the tests MRI, bone scans ect, but none of these tests have ever found a problem. My back problems I am thinking are causing the problem. I also do single leg curls and extensions with 50lbs. (on a machine but only using one leg at a time). Any ideas how i can isolate the SI joints? maybe I need to work on them. I have been to chiroprators they never have helped, and I have been to PT also.

Thanks for the responses fellas :D

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Post by dragon »

I suffer from SI joint problems myself.Here is an article on it if you have no information already:-

http://www.physioroom.com/injuries/hip/ ... full.shtml

I read on another forum(so i really can't say if this is a correct way to address the problem) that stationary cycling can help.Something to do with the up/down pumping action of the legs without putting the SI joint under any pressure/workload.
Can't remember the details exactly but it did seem to work for me.


Posts: 27
Joined: Jun 02, 2005 14:47

Post by maxattack »

Thnks Dragon, you have been most helpful :D

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