Static stretching before the main part of a karate workout

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Joined: Jun 19, 2006 03:53

Static stretching before the main part of a karate workout

Post by karateka »


I'm new in this forum, so I'm sorry, if this question has already been answered. I practice karate and my question is, wheather one should do static passive stretches before the main part of a workout? The matter is that in our training, apart from the dynamic flexibility we need also static passive flexibility. This is the case, for example, when we do katas, where deep horse-riding stances (kiba-dachi, shiko-dachi) are practised. I like to use this stance also in sparrings (it gives more stability and displays less vulnarable area to the partner). So, is it a good idea to do, e.g., isometrics for adductors during the worm-up before the main part of the workout?


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Joined: Jul 03, 2004 05:55

Post by dragon »


Even though you may use deep stances in your katas and sparring,they are still performed in a dynamic way,i.e-the stance isn't just held motionless.You will be moving in and out of stances.

For this reason,dynamic stretches will still be more than sufficient for your needs.

Relaxed stretches will cool you down and isometric stretches can fatigue you.Both things you definatley don't want during training.


Posts: 2
Joined: Jun 19, 2006 03:53

Post by karateka »

Hi, Dragon,

thanks for the answer.

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