High school wresling and weight training
High school wresling and weight training
I coach high school wresling and would like to know what kind of program do I need to develope for my kids during the season. Currently the kids wreslte competition 2 times per week 2 matches on Thursday and up to 5 matches on Saturday. I am concerned that too much heavy liftiong would cause injury because of the time it takes their bodies to rebuild. What is your suggestion should the kids be building during the season or just lift to maintain current strength? Thank you for your input.
I'm certainly no expert on this but if you have concerns, I think I'd play it safe and just have them lift enough during season to maintain what strength they have. The off-season is the best time to concentrate on developing more strength and muscle size. At that age, the recuperative powers might be so good that they can build strength while simultaneously engaging in a tough sporting schedule. But most athletes prefer to cycle their training and concentrate on only one thing at a time. If they are lifting hard, they may not be at 100% by the time their next matches come around.
That's just my thoughts. Stadion has a book specifically on training younger athletes and I don't know what that says. Anyone else here have an idea?
That's just my thoughts. Stadion has a book specifically on training younger athletes and I don't know what that says. Anyone else here have an idea?